How to use Outlook With your Custom Domain email address on Android $PROJECT_NAME

How to use Outlook With your Custom Domain email address on Android

This easy tutorial will help you configure a custom email with your domain name via a mobile. Why creating this kind of email? A custom email shows the credibility and the serious aspect of the company. Also, it helps to keep control of the company even if employees are not there physically. Therefore, it’s easy to set up Outlook on your iPhone to access work emails from anywhere.

1.  Open the “configuration” Tab

  1. 1.1 Open Outlook app
  2. Enter the Email Shopifashion gave you
    1. A. Select “add account”

  3. 1.2 Choose Imap

  4. 1.3 Open the “configuration” tab

2.  Configurate your Email.

  • 2.1 Enter your informations
      1. A. Enter the email giving by shopifashion in the red rectangle
      1. B. Enter the password giving by shopifashion in the white rectangle
      1. C. Enter you name in the blue rectangle
      1. D. Description is optional
      1. E. Imap Hostname and SMTP Hostname should be writing the same as the picture below

  • 2.2 Select “sign in”

  • Finalize your configuration

  • 3.1 Wait for outlook to upload your information